Releasenotes Xpert-Timer Basic
Version [29.11.2024]
- Bugfix: Zusammenfassung: Arbeitsstunden an einem Feiertag werden jetzt auch als Anwesend verbucht
Version [30.08.2024]
- Bugfix: Beim Druck in PDF wurde der PDF-Titel nicht mit dem Dateienamen initialisiert
Version [03.07.2024]
- Bugfix: Bei einfügen von URL-Link gabe es beim anschliessendem Tippen eine Unicode-Fehlermeldung
- New: Debug-Log: Neue Möglichkeit den Programmstart zu Debuggen
- Bugfix: Farben der Leistungskategorien konnten um eine Position verschoben sein
Über den Ini-Eintrag
[General] WriteLog=1
kann ein Startuplog aktiviert werden um ggf. Probleme beim Programmstart zu analysieren.
[General] WriteLog=1
kann ein Startuplog aktiviert werden um ggf. Probleme beim Programmstart zu analysieren.
- Bugfix: Beim Splitten des laufenden Zeitstempels wurde die Pause nicht korrekt aufgeteilt.
Version [26.04.2024] [New DB-Patchlevel 93]
- Extension: Zeitstempelimport: Neues Mitarbeiterfeld "Personalnummer" für das Zuordnen des Zeitstempels zu Mitarbeiter
Version [28.02.2024]
- Bugfix: Auswertung: Nachgetragene Stunden erscheinen nicht in der Zusammenfassung
- Bugfix: Mitarbeiter ist im Urlaub. Administrator möchte Zeiten bestätigen.
- Extension: Neue Systemweite Einstellung "Warnung wenn Projektschätzung überschritten"
- Bugfix: Fehlerhafte Berechnung bei rückwirkendem Nachtrag
- Bugfix: Fehlerhafte Aufteilung beim Aufteilen von Zeitstempeln über 0 Uhr
Version [03.01.2024]
- Extension: Wenn Projektstart oder Arbeitszeitstart bei Programmstart, dann wird dieser nur zwischen 6 und 18 Uhr durchgeführt.
Dadurch wird ein unfreiwilliger Rechnerstart z.B. durch Hintergrundprozesse wie Backups oder Updatechecker verhindert.
- Bugfix: Http-Links wurden nicht mehr im Zeitstempelkommentar markiert
Version [16.08.2023]
Work time
- Bugfix: Allgemeine Verbesserungen
Version [20.03.2023]
- New: Calendar view (times of day) in the "Timestamps" tab.
- Activate via menu "Options->Calendar"
- Extension: Project properties: The texts of the automatic text insertion could not be viewed if the project was not editable.
- Bugfix: Project properties. If there was a long text in the project description, it could not be scrolled if the project was not editable.
Version [23.03.2023]
- Extension: Related project of a task can now be opened directly via the pop-up menu of the task list
- Bugfix: Calendar view of tasks was not displayed
- Bugfix: Reminder window at startup: The lower part with the tasks was hidden under certain circumstances.
Version [13.02.2023] [New DB-Patchlevel 91]

Erstes Release mit der neuen Arbeitszeitverwaltung
- New: Calendar view for tasks
- New tab for switching from list to calendar.
- Must be activated in the configuration
- Must be activated in the configuration
- Bugfix: Filter on project type did not work correctly in certain constellations
- Extension: For display problems of the floating window on Apple in the Windows emulator. E.g. the favorites list. These windows can now be switched off via the ini file.
In the xperttimer.ini:
Version [21.06.2022]
- Extension: Printing multiple invoices at once no longer opens a preview
Version [25.04.2022]
- Bugfix: In the pop-up menu of the text field, the menu items "Insert user name" and much more were hidden.
- Extension: New summation option by "Location"
- Bugfix: If the project manager window is maximized and the program is restarted, then at small resolutions (e.g. 1600x900) the window will be positioned incorrectly and parts of it may not be visible.
Version [02.03.2022]
- Extension: Some other windows can now also be minimized to the taskbar
Task Management
Reinbursables Management
Document Management
Project launch center
Reinbursables Management
Document Management
Project launch center
- Bugfix: Activities: DB error under SQLite if the activity abbreviation exceeds 4 characters
Version [17.01.2022]
- Bugfix: English language file was not functional
- Bugfix: MS-SQL: DB error when searching for text phrase in the search dialog
- Extension: New project: When creating a sub-project, the person responsible for the main project is now taken over
Version [15.10.2021]
- Bugfix: Task list: Views - The filter settings of the configurable views were not loaded
- Bugfix: Edit task: Urllinks e.g. were not underlined as a link after opening if the text format of the task was set to "Text"
- Bugfix: When printing the task list, images were displayed as a hex dump
Version [05.08.2021]
- Bugfix: When entering multi-line text, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V does not always work properly if the spell checker is activated
- Bugfix: Totalization - error when printing when grouping by week
- Bugfix: If an activity is set to Inactive, it is still correctly displayed in the time stamp list.
Version [17.05.2021]
- Extension: New setting "Split timestamp at midnight"
- Extension: Start project retrospectively. Both minutes and a fixed time can now be entered
- Extension: When printing an invoice, the list of the time stamps invoiced in it can now also be printed as a time sheet.
- Bugfix: Error when double-clicking the username in the timepanel
- Bugfix: Sporadic hang of the user dialog after opening
Version [13.04.2021]

- Extension: New contact type "Beneficiary"
- Extension: Revised welcome dialog
- New: Start projects and tasks via the space bar in the list views Projects, Tasks and Timestamps
- New: Descriptive help texts in the window dialog headings are hidden after 7 days to save space
- Bugfix: When switching tabs, the structure of the button bars was partially visible, which could lead to a jumping form structure.
- Extension: When printing, the elements contained in the report header (client, project, user, period) can now be switched on / off
- Extension: Starting the project retrospectively by holding down the Ctrl key now also allows minutes to be entered
- New: Additional "Start / Stop" column in the project list: Start and stop using a button within the project list
- New: Additional "Start / Stop" column in the task list: Start and stop using a button within the task list
- New: Additional column "Start / Stop" in the time stamp list: Start and stop via a button within the list
This means that a project can be started / stopped directly from the list with just one click of the mouse.
- Bugfix: Task templates: If the industry-specific texts are used, the search term in the "Select task template" dialog was pre-assigned a wrong search term
- Extension: Import dialogs (clients, projects, tasks, times): After the import has been completed, the dialogs are no longer automatically closed.
Version [05.03.2021]
- Bugfix: English translation. In some of the yes / no dialogs, the buttons were not translated
- Bugfix: Task Template: Dialog boxes moved, so that an estimated time couldn not be entered. [Ticket: 3236]
- Bugfix: Task templates: Double-clicking a task template opened the window in the background. [Ticket: 3235]
- Bugfix: Edit task: The tab "User-defined fields" was not displayed
- Bugfix: Profit / Loss: P / L percentage was not calculated correctly
- Bugfix: Profit / Loss: If an employee is selected in the filter, only the services of projects to which the employee is assigned or to which no employee is assigned to are now displayed.
- Bugfix: Timestamp list: Error when grouped by timestamp status
- Bugfix: Project list: Error when grouped by project status
- Bugfix: Ctrl + Arrow should always jump one word forward in text fields. [Ticket: 3224]
- Bugfix: URL links in the text have been marked as clickable. The following text has been partially cut off.
- Bugfix: The option "Start project when double-clicking on project" was not correctly recognized
- Extension: For Sophos users: New additional option to remove the runtime packer from program during the installation
- Bugfix: Edit time stamp: If the time stamp had already been marked as billed, it was no longer possible to scroll in the comment field
Version [16.02.2021]
- Bugfix: Recognition did not start automatically
- Bugfix: Profit / loss: When the data was exported, the "Time needed%" column was not recalculated reliably
Version [10.02.2021]
- Bugfix: Other minor bug fixes
- Bugfix: With multiple selection of time stamps, only a maximum of 2 could be deleted at once
Version [04.02.2021] [New DB-Patchlevel 90]

- Extension: Project statuses and task statuses can now also be hidden if they are not used
- New: Excel export: Save several configuration settings
- Extension: Search dialog for text fields
- New: Automatic spell check (F7) in most multiline text entry fields
- New: Location list: New button for sorting the list
- New: New "Start page" dialog: Clear quick access to all existing modules
- New: New dialog "Project start center" to start projects, enter additions and see daily and weekly time stamps
- New: Support of bar, QR and NFC codes via external keyboard input scanner (e.g. via Bluetooth)
In this dialog, projects and tasks can be processed quickly and clearly.
- Extension: Reading in the project list has been accelerated
- Extension: Project list: Search now also supports the keywords "AND" and "OR" to perform a more complex search query
- Extension: Project list: New dropdown menu for the start button of the toolbar with "start retrospectively" and "start with comment"
- Extension: Project list: Direct editing of the columns for user-defined fields via the pop-up menu and input dialog
- New: The "Reminders" module is now also included in the BASIC version
- Extension: The reading of the task list has been accelerated drastically (up to 5x as fast)
- Extension: Task list: New dropdown menu for the start button of the toolbar with "start retrospectively" and "start with comment"
- New: New button "Interrupt stamp with comment"
- Extension: Timestamp list: Search in the comment now also supports the keywords "AND" and "OR" to perform a more complex search query
- Extension: Timestamp list: filter on project type
- Extension: Timestamp list: grouping by project type
- New: Copy time stamp to another employee via drag & drop
If employees in the team are working on the same activities, selected time stamps from the time stamp list can be copied to an employee in the project list.
- Extension: Specification of a standard activity which is entered for the employee when starting a time stamp.
Version [01.12.2020]
- Bugfix: Under SQLite database: Error when automatically incrementing the project number
Version [12.11.2020]
- Extension: Improvements in the import of projects and timestamps
- Extension: Note list: Set the category directly via the pop-up menu
- Extension: Note list: printing with colors of category and / or customer / project
Version [10.09.2020]
- Bugfix: Timestamp import: Customers / projects that have a "&" in their name were created multiple times
- Important Bugfix:Printing with a template was not possible
- Bugfix: In the "Summations" tab, the internal / external costs were no longer added up
- New: License management: download and activation of online licenses
- Bugfix: If dialogs were opened via the timebar, it could happen that they overlap with the timebar. Now these dialogues always open in the middle of the screen.
- Extension: Intermediate time stamps: In the comment input dialog it can now be determined whether the current or the new time stamp receives the comment
Version [08.08.2020]

- Bugfix: Activities: Abbreviation could not be changed
- New: Timestamp import: Activities can now be assigned when importing
- Bugfix: Fixed sporadic error at startup "Tab could not be registered"
- New: Licensing: Support of the rental license model
Version [30.06.2020]

- Extension: All configuration lists (e.g. activities, text modules, project types, etc.) have been revised.
- Bugfix: Button bars of the list views. If no separate toolbar was displayed for the views, then the "View" button was grayed out
- Bugfix: An interruption project is no longer listed in the list of recent projects
- Extension: Timestamp import: Check of the input values in the preview for plausibility e.g. Date format, time format
- Bugfix: When the DB patch level is updated, the price list is no longer set by default in order to prevent automatic splitting of the time stamp at 6 p.m.
- Bugfix: If the button "Interrupt stamping with comment" was used, the new comment was used for the old time stamp and not for the new one.
- Extension: New option "Show personnel numbers" in the toolbar options menu
- Extension: Weekly evaluation: In the Excel export, the full date is now also exported in the column header in addition to the weekday. The column names can no longer be changed individually.
- Extension: Improved background update checking
Version [11.03.2020]

- Extension: Quick start projects. New Option "Transfer timestamp to other project when stopping".
- Bugfix: Favorites list. With multi-monitor the position of the list was not saved if it was on a different monitor than the main monitor.
- Extension: Optimized the time stamp import
- Extension: Notes: New grouping option "By task"
- Bugfix: Crash detection during the loading screen
If the program gets stuck in the loading screen of Xpert-Timer during startup and has to be terminated via the task manager, this can now be recognized and appropriate measures can be taken.
- Bugfix: In the summation tab, if the employee's billing rate was drawn, it was not displayed in the view.
- Bugfix: Update check. No new version was detected during the manual update check.
- Bugfix: Edit task. If the project is changed, the time stamps attached to the task were not moved to the new project
- Bugfix: Edit task: If several task windows are open, formatting that was made via the toolbar was also carried out in the other windows.
- Bugfix: To-do list: If a task had a due date reminder and the due date is changed using the to-do list pop-up menu, then the reminder was not corrected.
- Extension: Export of the time stamp: An additional internal key field (USER_NR) can now also be output
- Extension: Import of the time stamp from CSV: An additional internal key field (USER_NR) can now be taken into account
- Extension: Import of the time stamp from CSV: The name of the user can now also be found if the first name is abbreviated in the CSV file (e.g. "M. Meier")
Version [06.12.2019]
Project manager
- Bugfix: Error message when searching in user-defined field
- Bugfix: Edit task. When the task status has been set to "Done" and then set to any other status, the task was still treated as "Done"
- Bugfix: When the project has been completed, starting an attached task should not be possible
Version [21.11.2019]
- Bugfix: When exporting a document to PDF, "Xpert-Timer" was entered in the metadata of the PDF as creator and as theme
- Bugfix: MySQL: Automatically incrementing the project number does not work on older versions of MySQL (for example, 5.5.15).
- Extension: Timestamp import: New column "Date" (optional)
Version [25.09.2019]
- Extension: Bulk archiving. It is now possible to print the projects to be archived or exported to Excel.
- Bugfix: Bug fixed when printing the project list
- Bugfix: Error under SyncClient when stopping a task
- Bugfix: Access violation in task list when opening the list in its own window and then click on the "View" button
Version [19.09.2019]
Project manager
- Extension: "Back" button: The drop-down menu of the back button now also displays projects with a user-defined status
- Bugfix: Bug fixed when checking license (if Universal user without desktop user and without software assurance)
- Extension: "Back" button: The drop-down menu of the back button now also displays projects with a user-defined status
- Extension: Manual entry. Automatic rounding after the rule stored in the project (eg full 30 minutes)
Version [19.08.2019]
- Extension: License management revised (for XT.Web)
Version [28.06.2019]
- Extension: New mechanism to keep precalculated project totals up to date
- Extension: XTWeb: New filter "Show only XTWeb rights"
- Extension: New mechanism to keep precalculated task totals up to date
- Bugfix: Project / Task Recalculation: When recalculating the project sums, the task totals were set to 0
- Bugfix: Task Pool: The Task Pool Off setting still displays the task pool entries
- Bugfix: Error resetting employee settings via the menu item "Reset"
Version [07.05.2019]
- Extension: When the license manager opens, it automatically searches for a new license with the extension ".lic" in the "My Documents" and "Desktop" directories
- Extension: Charts can now be hidden using a close button (for example, times or tasks)
Version [03.05.2019] [New DB-Patchlevel 89]

First Release of V7
- Extension: Add a global letter salutation with variable substitution
Use in the text with the variable %%SALUTATION%%
- Extension: Add a personal letter salutation in the contacts
Use it by using the variable %%SALUTATION%%
Attached is the monthly report.
Best wishes,
Attached is the monthly report.
Best wishes,
- New: MS-Access, SQLite: Check at startup if database tables are possibly corrupt. e.g. by a system crash.
- New: 64-bit version available
- New: The background color of all windows can now be set to any color.
The Xpert Timer is now also available in a 64-bit version.
Found at configuration->user->view->window background
- Extension: Send report by e-mail. By clicking in the field "Email text" opens a separate editor dialog to better edit the text.
- Extension: Send report by email. Own input field for the file name of the email attachment.
- New: New option in the configuration dialog to set the project number for new subprojects to the project number of the main project
- Extension: New column "time remaining"
- New: If colors are used for clients / projects, they can now also be printed in the project list.
- New: By right-clicking on a subproject in the "Project number" column, the project number can be set to the project number of the main project via a context menu
Displays the difference between Estimate and Required Time.
The option can be turned on / off in the print settings.
- Extension: Text format can now be set between "Text with formatting & images", "Text with formatting" and "Text only"
This is important for using the Xpert Timer.Web because there can not be displayed any tasks that contain images.
- Extension: New entry type "retrospective". With it, times can be added retrospectively from a time in hours.
- New: Change timestamp: Complete capture of contiguous timestamps
Query if a timestamp changes that has a directly adjacent predecessor and / or successor. These timestamps are then automatically adjusted to the changed start / end time.
Version [25.04.2019]
- Extension: Check at startup so that Version 6 can not access a Version 7 database.
- New: When recalculating the project sums, you can now choose whether all or only the active projects should be recalculated.
- Bugfix: When entering or changing timestamps, the contents of the list of places will not be supplemented with the new location until the save button is pressed and not when leaving the field.
Version [12.04.2019]
Activity report
- Bugfix: Button "New" in the toolbar is inactive if the history is opened from the customer dialog and there are no entries.
- Extension: Automatic update check in the info dialog
Only active if the corresponding authorization is available.
- Bugfix: Problem fixed with automated rounding
Version [27.03.2019]
- Extension: Project view in html has been extended by the fields "Client name", "Description", "Start", "End" and "Project type"
- Bugfix: In single-user mode, the checkboxes for the project favorites were not imported
- Extension: Improved repair function with defective index under Access database
- Bugfix: Timestamp list: Sort by column "Comment" does not work correctly
Version [07.12.2018]
- Extension: When sending e-mail messages via Outlook, the Outlook message can now be displayed on the screen in the Editor via a new option before sending.
- Extension: New global keyboard shortcut added to add a new history entry (... + F2)
- Extension: After a program update, a dialog is now displayed to guide the user through possibly new essential user settings.
- Extension: In the project properties under the "Billing" tab, the profit is displayed, if a flat rate has been deposited
- Bugfix: Quick search via input dialog. Searching and reading the results accelerated.
- Bugfix: Cost estimation (dialogue). When entering a decimal number, the decimal point is not accepted as long as text is already in the input field.
Version [17.09.2018]
- Bugfix: Gray background with modern surface
- Bugfix: Merge Timestamp: On some systems an error occurs under MS-Access if the comment is empty
- Bugfix: Check date fields for valid entry
- Extension: Additional rounding mode: Full 6 minutes
- Bugfix: Project export to Excel. DB error under MySQL when exporting the project list.
This type of rounds is especially suitable for lawyers
- Bugfix: If the right "Edit project" does not exist, but the right "Edit project status" is not available then it was not possible to change the status via the context menu
- Bugfix: Duplicate project now only takes the project name without the main project name for the duplicate
- Bugfix: Filter on project status of FreiDef5 - FreiDef10 was not saved
- Bugfix: Selected main project was not selected after clicking on "Refresh"
- Bugfix: Statictic: Summation by project and grouping to MP -> returns duplicate groupings per SP [Ticket: 2790]
- Extension: The view of the shared task pool can now be toggled in the toolbar between the states "Off", "Exclusive" and "Additional"
- Bugfix: When a task is completed, the contents of the tab notes, attachments and times were no longer usable because they were grayed out
The new state "Additional" now displays the task pool in addition to the employee-related tasks.
- Extension: Manual entry: New option to show / hide the timestamp. This saves reading the timestamps and can speed up entering timestamps.
- Bugfix: Column header sorting does not work when grouping by client, project or task
- Bugfix: Export to Excel. Price group, price table, and billing rate fields were not exported
- Bugfix: Split timestamp: If a timestamp is split, the price list and price group should also be set for the split timestamp [Ticket: 2795]
Version [19.06.2018]
- Bugfix: Config: The option "Display current timestamp comment" can not be deactivated. [Ticket: 2787]
- Bugfix: Manual entry: The list of locations should have a scroll bar for smaller monitors [Ticket: 2785]
- Bugfix: Project Properties: The Edit Price List button does not respond. [Ticket: 2782]
- Bugfix: Project search: Full-text search in the "Description" field does not produce a result under MS-SQL
- Extension: Individual times: New button "Options" in the button bar for display options
- Display client numbers
- Display project numbers
- Show times in decimal
- Display project numbers
- Show times in decimal
- Extension: Export to Excel: The field "Project Type" can now also be exported
- Extension: Supplement: Pre-assign field "Activity" with "None"
- Extension: Timestamp list: New menu item "Times as text in clipboard" to make the selected timestamps available for further processing with a text program
At least 2 timestamps must be selected.
- Extension: Database migration: New option "Anonymize database" to make person-related data unrecognizable in the target database
Helpful when the troubleshooting database needs to be sent to support, but confidential data is included.
Version [04.05.2018]
Price lists
- Bugfix: The tick "Use time-based tariffs" does not work. If tariffs are set, they are also used without being checked. [Ticket: 2747]
- Bugfix: Automatic notification of change of progress / status: If a recipient is deposited in the project, it will be taken. Otherwise, the client's email will be used.
- Bugfix: Dragging and dropping a record (eg timestamp from timestamp list) to the main project filter now ensures that only one main project is included in the filter
- Bugfix: With shortcuts to a main project via shortcuts, the shortcuts for the numbers no longer work in the submenu to activate a subproject via keyboard [Ticket: 2746]
- Bugfix: Evaluation week / month / year. Display of totaling in filter line is missing [Ticket: 2764]
- Extension: Split timestamp: The distribution of the pause now offers the following options [Ticket: 2705]
- Extension: Timestamp list: New keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S for "Timestamp split"
- Extension: Timestamp list: If the filter "timestamp status" is set to "do not account", then times are also displayed whose projects are set to "not billable"
- New: Timestamp list: New menu item "Duplicate timestamp". All selected times can be copied to a target date to be entered.
- Bugfix: Timestamp list: The gray icon for addendum "(N)" was partially drawn too far to the left above the normal text
1. Fully on timestamp 1
2. Proportional
3. Fully on timestamp 2
2. Proportional
3. Fully on timestamp 2
Shortcut: Ctrl+D
Version [26.03.2018]
- Extension: Hint text when creating a subproject in the "New Project" dialog
- Extension: The button "New" in the toolbar of the project list now contains a drop-down menu to specifically create a main or a subproject
- Bugfix: Project list: Context menu e.g. When changing the progress does not always put the focus on the project of the line [Ticket: 2741]
- Bugfix: In the project manager the button Load / save view settings has no function
- Bugfix: When using quick entry for a sub-project, if the main project has just been created without updating the project list, the sub-project will temporarily not be mounted in the correct level.
- Bugfix: The lead time reminder date was not considered for triggering the reminder event
- Extension: Task list: In the button "New" there is a new menu item "Create new template" in the drop-down menu
- Extension: Task template list: New grouping option by creator and editor
- Bugfix: Task templates. Restricted visibility of templates for multiuser without workgroups. Only the own templates were displayed.
The "Task Template Manager" and "Task Template Selection" dialogs have been enhanced with a button bar to change the visibility level
- Extension: Timestamp list: New grouping after "timestamp status"
- Bugfix: Export to Excel: The field "Activity" was not available for export
- Bugfix: Adding a timestamp for project / task via Ctrl + T in the task management or the evaluation via opens erroneously the add timestamp function of the project manager
Version [09.03.2018]
Activity report
- Bugfix: In the Project Manager, in the Assigned Projects view, in combination with the History window, the All Employees filter did not display any other employee records [Ticket: 2719]
- Bugfix: A client without a contact shows again "unknown" in the last name. [Ticket: 2722]
- Important Bugfix:Documents in the data safe were no longer readable under MySQL as of V6.1.3.1053 (Data error)
- Bugfix: Sporadically resetting column settings of the list views e.g. of the EK / VK prices for services in the project properties
- Bugfix: List Views: If no workgroups were enabled, the visibility filter was not saved
- Extension: Extension of the free project states from 5 to 10
- Bugfix: Project Properties: An inactive project that is set to active in the project properties does not allow time entry [Ticket: 2723]
- Extension: New task: Optional show a customer filter to simplify the project selection [Ticket: 2717]
- Bugfix: Print task: Square brackets in the text of a task leads to an error message [Ticket: 2728]
Show via context menu of field "Project"
- New: New menu item "Split active timestamp" in the pop-up menu of the current timestamp in the timeline
- Bugfix: Display of the current timestamp comment in the second line (optional)
These settings can be changed in the Configuration-> User-> General
- Extension: Timestamp list: Menu item for moving wrongly assigned timestamps of the user "SYSTEM" to another user to be selected
- Extension: Print: Extension of the comment field in the printout of the time stamp list to 5000 characters
- Extension: Manual entry: Optional show a customer filter to simplify the project selection
- Only in the group "By user" in the pop-up menu on the user "SYSTEM"
- Menu item "Move time to other user"
- Menu item "Move time to other user"
Show via context menu of field "Project"
Version [06.02.2018]
- Bugfix: Decoupling day evaluation from the right "Evaluation - Show timestamp" [Ticket: 2694]
- Bugfix: In multimonitor operation with more than 2 monitors, some dialogs were not centered correctly on the active monitor.
- Bugfix: Single user version: shortcut context menu does not appear. [Ticket: 2696]
- Bugfix: Project Manager: Add timestamp via Toolbar of the timestamp list. If the checkbox "All Projects" is set, the field "Project" in the add timestamp dialog remains empty
- Bugfix: SQL error under MS SQL Server if the sorting of the project list was set to "Main workgroup"
- Bugfix: Reminders at program start. Splitter sometimes not visible or shows strange behavior [Ticket: 2699]
- Bugfix: Edit task: After saving, the cursor position has been set to the beginning of the text
- Bugfix: Task list: Arrow for opening / closing does not drop down the window anymore [Ticket: 2698]
- Bugfix: Windows desktop and possibly other programs flicker when opening a task
- Bugfix: To Do List: The width of the Project Name column could not be wider than 400 pixels
- Bugfix: For 3 monitors, the hints for the mouse over do not appear on monitor 3 but on the edge of monitor 2
- Bugfix: Main pop-up menu does not open until the second click on Timeline [Ticket: 2701]
Version [22.01.2018]
- Extension: New option "Open task management at startup"
- New: Progress indicator while the configuration settings are being loaded
- Extension: New extended dialog for importing a database update
- New: Changing the menu system to standard Windows menus
- Bugfix: List selection fields (combo boxes) may have been displayed with scrollbar, although not necessary
- Bugfix: The enter key does not trigger a new reading of the data volume during date filtering
- Bugfix: The BASIC version could not use a different currency except US $ and the Windows system currency
- Bugfix: Automatic pause: Incorrect calculation when transferring the automatic pause to another project when the automatic comment input is activated
- Bugfix: List views: Keyboard shortcuts of pop-up menus did not become active until the pop-up menu was first opened
- Bugfix: Slow screen setup (flickering buttons) after Windows Update fixed
- Bugfix: Reminder when no project is running is centered over the timeline when the project manager is closed
Will now be centered on the monitor
- Bugfix: When you move a note to another category / project, the note temporarily disappears
- Extension: Removed redundant frame borders from XTBASE.fr3
- Extension: Keyboard shortcuts for the project quick start that could not be registered are shown in red
- Extension: Task list: Selection of search fields via popup menu on search text. (Subject, number, text, note)
- Bugfix: Access violation when printing times when time is hidden
- Bugfix: Color change for logo headers revised via pop-up menu
- Bugfix: Reminders that were saved without employees were not visible
- Bugfix: It was not possible to delete several selected reminders at once
- New: Progress display while the list views are loading for the first time
- Bugfix: License Check: Error in correct software maintenance check during version update
- New: In the Tasks pane pop-up menu, there is a Task Status menu item to change the status of the task in progress
- Bugfix: Project switching accelerated.
- Bugfix: Accelerated opening of the pop-up menu (right mouse button). Project list will now only be displayed if neither Project Manager nor Timeline is visible
- Bugfix: If an manual time entry goes beyond midnight, then the end date has not been set to the next day. The required hours however were correct.
Version [17.10.2017]
Activity report
- Extension: Field "Service location" increased to 160 characters
- Bugfix: The project checkboxes in the project manager could not be displayed in the single user version
- Bugfix: The restriction "Time stamp can not be edited after x days" is now also valid when moving timestamps
Version [04.10.2017]
- Extension: Multimonitor: Window positions and sizes are now saved separately for each monitor.
- New: New option for multi monitor configuration: "Open window in visible area"
When switching between single and multi-monitor configurations, no window positions need to be corrected any more
When switching between multi- and single-monitor systems, all windows are only opened in the currently visible area of the monitor.
- Bugfix: New project: Endless loop with message "Project xyz already exists for customer / main project zyx"
- Bugfix: Position and size of the reminder window at startup was not saved
- Bugfix: Splitting of time stamps now also possible for the currently running time stamp.
- Bugfix: Restriction for retroactive processing or re-dating time stamps did not work
Version [18.09.2017] [New DB-Patchlevel 88]

First Release of V6.0
Activity report
- New: Price lists
- Price lists allow to map date-related validity for billing rates into price tables
- Weekday and time-dependent surcharges
- Qualification-dependent special billing rates for employees
- Different currencies and special customer discounts
- Qualification-dependent special billing rates for employees
- Different currencies and special customer discounts
- Extension: Adjustable size of the character set for the buttons of the listviews
- New: New modern user interface
However, the original, colorful interface can still be used through the "User interface: Classic" option in the configuration.
- Extension: New filter in the import dialog shows only emails with a sender email address in the contact list of Xpert-Timer
- New: Display and add notes on clients and projects in the project manager
- New: Easily set filters for customers, project, employees via Drag & Drop from any list view.
- Extension: New option "Get Estimation from Tasks" for profit / loss report
- Extension: The last used character set and size is now set for each new task
- New: 5 custom fields, incl. sorting and grouping.
- Extension: Note in the project manager, if no time recording is possible for a selected project
- New: New options for splitting time stamps
- splitting by duration, time, percentage
- setting the billing status for each resulting time stamp
Version [04.09.2017]
- Bugfix: No timestamps visible in BASIC version when using SQLite database
Version [25.08.2017]
- Extension: Sum up and grouping by calendar week
- Extension: Start tasks of the current project directly via the pop-up menu of the task counter
- New: New button (down arrow) to start subprojects directly
- Bugfix: Start project retroactive does not set time correctly
Version [13.04.2017]
- Bugfix: When starting a project the checkbox in the project list was unchecked until the next refresh of the project list.
Version [31.03.2017]
Client manager
- New: New filter in the client and contact manager toolbar.
A) Display of clients assigned to projects only
B) Only display clients whose projects are assigned to the current user
- Bugfix: Print: When the "Date / From / To" column was not in first place, the column headings were not aligned correctly
- Bugfix: Time stamp list: If the column from / to is not in first place and the grouping is set to "Project", "Sum" was overlapped. [Ticket: 2515]
- Extension: Multiple selection via checkboxes from users and customers can now be combined
- Important Bugfix:Sporadic error "External exception C0000006" fixed when the exe is installed in the network and the system returns from the idle state.
- Bugfix: The compressed user settings could not be saved under a Czech operating system when an MS-SQL server is used
- Bugfix: Fixed a problem where the Windows desktop flickered when the Windows taskbar was switched to "Auto-hide" and the project manager was open.
You can now deactivate the comprssion in the .ini file.
- Bugfix: Option "Duplicate day" duplicated the following day instead of the selected day under SQLite
Version [25.01.2017]
- Bugfix: Improved behavior on scaled Windows desktop (larger font, 125%)
- Bugfix: Task list: "Last change" date/time was not converted into correct timezone.
- Bugfix: If the project list is filtered in the project manager by project status, e.g. "Active", all tasks appeared in the task list instead of the filtered. [Ticket: 2465]
Version [02.12.2016]
- Extension: Quick entry now also supports the grouping by task status and automatically offers the option when entering a new task
- Bugfix: Removed button "Billing mode" in the tab "Times" of the tasks as it did not offer a plausible filter option. [Ticket: 2445]
Version [18.11.2016]
- Bugfix: The duration of the time needed for entering a comment was not calculated to the total end time of the timestamp.
- Bugfix: Exception when users with limited user rights tried to sort projects by project number
- Bugfix: Error in the summarizing report when no columns for the print were selected.
- Bugfix: Error when printing the task list with the column "Text". [Ticket: 2444]
- Bugfix: Graphical error. Cardreaders (Text, Notes, Attachements, Times) optimized in the "Edit task" dialog.
- Bugfix: When printing the timestamp list from the dialog "Edit task", the client name and project name was not printed.
Version [20.09.2016]
- Bugfix: Automatic refresh when changing details in a quote. The change is now immediately displayed in the client manager. [Ticket: 2409]
- Bugfix: The filter for archived projects did not work in the reporting module. [Ticket: 2417]
- Bugfix: If the receiver of a task is changed and a reminder was created for that task, the owner of the reminder is now changed, too. [Ticket: 2413]
- Extension: The free date range option is now available on multiple dialogs [Ticket: 2430]
- Extension: Report Check-In/Check-Out: The totals sum is now displayed for the presence. [Ticket: 2302]
- Bugfix: User settings: Wrong grouping of work time in the user details, when using a MS-SQL database [Ticket: 2433]
Version [05.09.2016]
- Bugfix: Traybar hints were cut off partialy when starting or stopping projects
- Bugfix: Error in profit calculation when using flatrates and times of multiple users are used for the calculation
Version [18.08.2016]
- Bugfix: All list views: If you've opened and closed the group settings too quickly the "Edit project" dialog was opened.
- Bugfix: Exception when closing Xpert-Timer [Ticket: 2402]
- Bugfix: Error when counting up the project number automatically. [Ticket: 2404]
Version [08.07.2016]
- Bugfix: Sporadic error when creating a new project. Project was created anyways
Version [04.07.2016]
Project manager
- Extension: If you filter the project list and there's no result, the filter will be now displayed in the empty list. [Ticket: 2373]
- Bugfix: The filter "Only not yet to be billed" filter was not saved in the views. [Ticket: 2375]
- Bugfix: Colums: If you've changed the settings in the .ini file, the columen from/til was not changed. [Ticket: 2377]
Version [06.06.2016]
- Bugfix: The filter "Payed on" in the billing module did not work correctly [Ticket: 2360]
- Bugfix: Automatic increase of project number did not work using a MySQL database [Ticket: 2358]
- Bugfix: The work group was not duplicated when copying a project in the work group mode [Ticket: 2367]
- Extension: There are now arrows available in the statistic module to change the date in the "Free range" filter [Ticket: 2355]
- Bugfix: In the single user version the filter for clients is now hidden as it's unnecessary [Ticket: 2351]
- Bugfix: User settings: If logged in as XTAdmin no user projects were visible [Ticket: 2370]
- Bugfix: The list of userprojects was not displayed correctly in XTAdmin.exe [Ticket: 2368]
Version [12.05.2016]
- Bugfix: Graphical error: When displaying the history module, the contact person was displayed wrong in the project settings. [Ticket: 2345]
- Bugfix: Printing: Column "Created" was not printed [Ticket: 2342]
- Bugfix: Copy of projects: When copying a main project within a client, the project was not marked as "Copy of..." [Ticket: 2347]
- Bugfix: Using the excel export and exporting the column "Person in charge", the name was exported with an extra space
Version [12.04.2016]
- Bugfix: No result was delivered when searching for a project name in the dialog "Manual entry" and "New task"
- Bugfix: Time stamps: When right clicking on a timestamp and choosing "Manual entry", the project name must be set automatically. [Ticket: 2335]
- Bugfix: When printing, the sorted column was ignored, when no grouping was chosen [Ticket: 2334]
Version [02.04.2016]
- Bugfix: Text phrases are now sorted alphabetically
- Bugfix: Email: Radio button "User" did not work in the print settings [Ticket: 2322]
- New: When checking off a task you can now change the status of the task as well. E.g. a developer checks the task off and sends it to the testes with the status "Test".
- New: New filter in toolbar in order to filter for multiple task states at one time
- Bugfix: Documents and tasks where not transferred if a task was moved from one project to another
- Bugfix: Task packages: Task packages could not be deleted in combination with a MS-Access database [Ticket: 2323]
- Bugfix: When copying tasks, the total sum of the tasks was copied, too. [Ticket: 2324]
- Bugfix: Clientfilter was added to the single user version [Ticket: 2321]
- Extension: You can now sort all lists like text phrases, project types, etc by column
- Extension: Note subject can now be edited using F2 in the notes list
Version [07.03.2016]
- New: User defined fields can now be filled when importing project data using a CSV file
- New: Display user diefined fields in the project manager now. New grouping and filter options are also available. [Ticket: 2291]
- Extension: Display of times in the monthly report with with two decimals
- New: Task manager: Filter for date (Created, Due on, Starts on, Done, Last change)
- Bugfix: Edit taks: Save button was not active when reminder was set von "None" to "0 min before". [Ticket: 2276]
- New: Reset the users settings only for window positions and sizing
- New: Reset the users settings only for the dialogs which are checked with "Don't show this dialog again".
Version [24.02.2016]
- Extension: New forma type "hours (h:mm)", in order to export hours not only in decimal but also in hours and minutes.
- New: Option to print with a smaller font to get as much information on a page as possible
- New: Page width is now checked before printing
- Bugfix: Rebuild all list reports
- New: Printing of the reports is now optionally available in hours, minutes or decimal.
- Bugfix: Weekly report: The columns of the days are now smaller, the column for the project name is now larger. [Ticket: 2272]
- New: New SHA256 signature for setup and .exe
Version [22.01.2016]
- Bugfix: Excel Export: The destination path is always "MyDocuments" [Ticket: 2263]
- Bugfix: Edit taks: If an attachment is added using drag&drop the task name should be filled automatically in the dialog "Add document". [Ticket: 2244]
- Bugfix: Tasklist: Filter text "Ready to start" is not displayed. [Ticket: 2266]
Version [07.01.2016]
Project manager
- Bugfix: Could not change project state without changing sub projects also [Ticket: 2248]
- Bugfix: Excel Export: Percentage was always 0 when exporting to excel. [Ticket: 2258]
Version [31.12.2015] [New DB-Patchlevel 87]

First release of V5.0
- New: New excel export
- New export dialog
- Export fields can now be chosen
- Header names can be changed
- Export formats can be changed, e.g. date, time, hours, percent an many more
- Width of columns can be set
- Summarizing is possible
- Colors and styles can be set
- Export fields can now be chosen
- Header names can be changed
- Export formats can be changed, e.g. date, time, hours, percent an many more
- Width of columns can be set
- Summarizing is possible
- Colors and styles can be set
- Extension: Headers of list views are now saved in the .ini file
- New: Note categories are now available
- New: List views: You can now display quick access buttons for your saved views.
- New: Display or hide the quick entry line for lists by right clicking on the toolbar
- New: When printing a list you have now the option to "Start new page per group". This allows to start a new page for e.g. each client or each user.
- The option to name the headers is only available when logged in as XTADMIN
- You can find the option in the dropdown menu of the list configuration (Button "Views" on the toolbar)
- You can find the option in the dropdown menu of the list configuration (Button "Views" on the toolbar)
- New: Notes for projects
- New: 5 additional project states, e.g. "Waiting for release", "Quoted", "To be billed"
- New: User definied fields for projects
- New: New project state "Released"
- New: New overview tab in the project settings for all recent action in relation to the project
- New: New chart for timestamp list
- New: New chart for project list
- New: Timestamp list, To-Do-List and reimbursables can now be viewed in a seperate window if you choose the option in the menu "View".
- New: You can now start projects or tasks from the timestamp list
- New: Completely new reporting module
- Reporting of clients/users/user groups
- Summarizing of clients, projects, users, dates and much more
- Grouping of clients, projects, users, dates and much more
- Support of different currencies
- Excel-Export of results
- Graphics of results
- Summarizing of clients, projects, users, dates and much more
- Grouping of clients, projects, users, dates and much more
- Support of different currencies
- Excel-Export of results
- Graphics of results
- Extension: Optimized email function when printing a list.
- New: XT now supports the SSL encryption for sending emails through SMTP
- New: Optimized options to automatically send emails from the system
- New: Access rights: Now only access rights of actived modules are visible [Ticket: 2174]
- New: Notes can now be added to tasks
- New: New task states: 1) Test 2) Test successful 3) Test failed 4) Problem occured 5) Ready
- plus 5 additional states, free to be named
- New: Timestamp list: You can now enter multiple line comments. Use the context menu (right click) to activate.
- New: Timestamp list: If grouped by day, the date is now automatically entered into the manual entry if the focus is on one of those dates.
- New: New tab "Projects" in the user settings, in order to easily assign projects.
Version [01.10.2015]
- Extension: All dialogues for text queries can now be saved and closed using CTRL+Enter [Ticket: 2182]
- Bugfix: Assigning projects: Sporadic error when closing the dialog is fixed.
- Bugfix: Task Packages dialog was blocked.
Version [24.09.2015]
- Bugfix: Edit task: Text of task was hidden
- Bugfix: Time stamps list: If timestamp list ist grouped by day, and the day is marked, this date will be used in the manual entry.
Version [21.09.2015]
- Bugfix: Verbesserte Kompatibilität zu Windows 10 (insb. Uhrzeitformat)
- Bugfix: Kommentar wurde in der Zeitstempelliste mehrzeilig dargestellt.
Version [07.08.2015]
- Bugfix: To-Do list: The column "Time left" could not be printed. [Ticket: 2117]
- Bugfix: To-Do List: "Time left" should display the time estimated if there has not been any time entry yet. [Ticket: 2119]
- Bugfix: To-Do list: The column "Time left" was not eported to Excel. [Ticket: 2118]
- Bugfix: Timestamps: When merging timestamps, the pause was not added to the end time when "Discard gaps" was chosen.
Version [23.06.2015]
- Bugfix: Error "OnShow, OnHide ..." when using windows sipping tool
Version [19.05.2015]
- Bugfix: Excel export: Text of description is now fully exported to Excel. (was cut to 255 characters before) [Ticket: 2104]
- Extension: Project list printing: The column "Description" ist now wider to better display the text. [Ticket: 2111]
- New: PDF-Print Settings: Settings for compression and optimized printing are now being saved.
- New: PDF-Print: New options for "PDF Compression" and "Optimized printing" are now available in the print dialog.
- Bugfix: Report: The height of the project description in the report header is now set automatically, so that no text is cut. [Ticket: 2091]
- Bugfix: Sometimes, without refreshing the projectmanager, the total sum of the project was doubled when a project was edited and saved. [Ticket: 1946]
- Bugfix: Statistic module: Access violation when 2nd record was marked and the arrows where used to flip through the pages. [Ticket: 2094]
- Bugfix: Print tasks: Access violation when including the column "Time needed" in the report. [Ticket: 2106]
Version [23.03.2015]
- New: Print lists. Texts of column headers can be changed now by using xperttimer.ini [mehr]
- Bugfix: User settings are now compressed, to keep the footprint of a user record small (problems with MS-Access)
see manual for details
- Bugfix: Freier Zeitraum: Bei Gruppierung nach Kunde oder Hauptprojekt wurden unter gewissen Umständen die letzte Zeile nicht angezeigt.
Version [12.02.2015]
- Extension: Check in / Check out report is now displayed in hh:mm or optional in decimal hours, according to the configuration [Ticket: 2059]
- Extension: Running projects are stopped now when the program is terminated.
- Bugfix: Timestamps / Pause time: Bugfix when entering a pause time on project stop. [Ticket: 2061]
Version [03.02.2015]
- Bugfix: The entered pause on a timestamp must never be longer than the timestamp itself.
- Bugfix: Automatic project numbers can now be used, even with a deleted project having a textual project number. [Ticket: 2044]
Version [05.01.2015]
Project manager
- Bugfix: Zeitstempelliste: Nachträge bei nicht verrechenbaren Projekten auch in Grau darstellen. [Ticket: 2031]
Version [27.11.2014]
- Extension: Arbeitszeit aufteilen: Neue Auswahlmöglichkeit "Nicht aufteilen" in Abfragedialog [Ticket: 2003]
Version [17.10.2014]
- Extension: Wenn Stundenblöcke nachgetragen werden, können diese nun über mehrere Tage verteilt werden.
Es kann nun unterschieden werden ob die Stunden nur für Mo-Fr, Mo-Sa oder Mo-So verteilt werden.
Version [09.10.2014]
- Extension: Lost database connection: Offer an option, that the message does not take the focus of the current application when loosing the database connection [Ticket: 1925]
- Bugfix: Excel export cause error when using the english time / date format [Ticket: 1927]
- Extension: Improved process to restore deleted project
- Extension: Search/Filter fields now have a yellow background if filled, e.g. search for project name, client.
- New: All toolbars: You can now hide the button "Views". [Ticket: 1926]
- Bugfix: Timestamps: The width of the timestamp list is now saved. [Ticket: 1928]
Right click and use the context menu
- Extension: New reminders: Added option "in 3 months" and "in 1 year" [Ticket: 1951]
- Bugfix: The view "Main projects" also displayed sub projects in the results. [Ticket: 1948]
- Bugfix: ToDo list: Name of "Creator" was not displayed when grouping by creator. [Ticket: 1945]
Version [10.09.2014]
- Bugfix: Currency: XT takes $ in english version when EUR is configured in windows settings [Ticket: 1914]
- Bugfix: Some text changes in the english translation
Version [25.08.2014]
- Bugfix: Error when printing reports - Field not found "currency_lcid".
- New: New menu item "Display elements" in popup menu. [Ticket: 1889]
Version [21.08.2014]
- Bugfix: The setting, whether you are displaying the description of the menu buttons is now saved and does not change anymore when changing a saved view. [Ticket: 1391]
- Bugfix: If a user is deleted from a main project, who still exists in sub projects, the user will be deleted there, too. [Ticket: 1883]
- Bugfix: Timestamp list: The first created timestamp of the day is now listed in the correct position, ordered by date. [Ticket: 1885]
- Bugfix: Main Menu: Window -> Menu option Task templates are now listed below tasks [Ticket: 1877]
- New: Edit task: New button "Insert symbol" [Ticket: 1886]
- Bugfix: Edit task: When the font size was changed, it was automatically set to 0. [Ticket: 1875]
- Bugfix: Task templates: Created task templates are now visible when using the filter "Own" in the workgroup [Ticket: 1878]
Applies only when using workgroups
Version [09.08.2014]
- Bugfix: Excel export sometimes filled the text columns with number 64 instead of the correct number. [Ticket: 1824]
- Bugfix: Back to last project: Projects dissapeared from the list, when a manual entry was created. [Ticket: 1833]
- Bugfix: To-Do list: Due entries were displayed with red font on red background. Changed to white on red.
- Extension: Project names with more than 80 digits are now automatically shortened in the display
- Bugfix: Merge timestamps: A running timestamp can no loger be merged with an existing one. [Ticket: 1832]
- Bugfix: Printing timestamps: Not billable timestamps were not printed correctly when rounded to the full billing unit. [Ticket: 1837]
Version [12.05.2014]
- New: New button "Show Error Log" in tab "System" to show the internal error log file.
Version [16.04.2014]
- Bugfix: The buttons in the message dialog for software updates where still in German [Ticket: 1768]
- Bugfix: Timestamp list: Database error under MS-Access-Database when grouping by task subject
Version [20.03.2014]
- Extension: Input dialogs for multiline text are now resizable and support textphrases [Ticket: 1689]
- New: New dialog "Batch archive" in main menu of project manager
- Bugfix: Textphrases: Deleted phrases still apear when using popupmenu of timestamp list [Ticket: 1691]
You can archive multiple projects that don't have timestamps for a certain amount of months/years.
- New: New filter in toolbar "Entered Timestamps since"
Show all projects that have timestamps since a specified date.
- Bugfix: Todolist: Database error when exporting to Excel [Ticket: 1688]
Version [05.02.2014]
- Minor bugfixes
Version [20.01.2014]
- Bugfix: Minor Bugfixes
Version [11.01.2014] [New DB-Patchlevel 85]

First Release of V4.0
Activity report
- New: New date filter in order to choose a free date range.
- New: Assign a color to your projects/clients
This way you can group and mark your clients/projects in the project manager.
- New: Quick access for modules of Xpert-Timer
- New: Project list: New columns
- New: Group by
- New: Assign filter per Drag&Drop
New toolbar at the bottom of the project manager in order to display/hide modules easier.
- Sub project number
- Security level
- Billing mode
- Security level
- Billing mode
- billing mode
- security level
- workgroup
- security level
- workgroup
Client, project and user data can now be dragged&dropped onto the filter fields in order to use them as the filter.
- New: Duplicate reminders
You can now duplicate reminders easily.
- New: Updated the task templates
- You can now sum up the estimates of the task package
- Display the column "Receipient"
- Menu button, in order to build a task package from selected tasks in task list.
- New: Timestamp list: Hide the timestamps, but keep the date by setting the view in the context dialog of the timestamps.
- New: Timestamp list: If you select multiple timestamps, the total of time of the selected timestamps is displayed.
- New: Timestamp list: Use Ctrl+C to save the selected timestamps to the clipboard.
Version [03.07.2013]
- Bugfix: Exception when editing a report template [Ticket: 1607]
Version [11.06.2013]
- Bugfix: Error on "Back to last project" in time bar under MS-Access [Ticket: 1604]
Version [30.05.2013]
Project manager
- Bugfix: Duplicate project - When a main project with no sub projects is duplicated, there is a wrong query dialog asking to switch of the time account of the main project [Ticket: 1595]
- Bugfix: Button "Back" on the timebar - Using MySQL, the projects were not sorted correctly
Version [20.05.2013]
- Bugfix: Error: Format 'The project estimate was exceed' is invalid or not compatible with this argument
Version [08.05.2013]
- Extension: Update check: Now checks the license online to figure out if the update is free of costs [Ticket: 1566]
Version [02.05.2013]
- Bugfix: Display problem with light text on light background
- Bugfix: Manual entry: Pause is substracted from the time range in mode "Hours" [Ticket: 1062]
Version [22.04.2013]
- Extension: Reminder when project runs. It can now also be set to minutes> 59 (max 240 minutes) [Ticket: 1549]
- Extension: Reminder when the project runs. The selection "Dont show again today" is now stored individually for each project [Ticket: 1550]
- Bugfix: Reminder when project is running: If reminder shows up and is displayed, the autopause function does not kick in [Ticket: 1489]
Version [03.04.2013]
Project manager
- Bugfix: If a project is copied to another project by drag&drop, the target project must be converted into a master project and lose the time account status. [Ticket: 1519]
- Bugfix: Project list can not be printed in single-user license with SQLite database [Ticket: 1512]
- Extension: Progress check: If the user does not change the progress value, the button "Save" is grayed out. [Ticket: 1490]
- Bugfix: Licensing: If the dialog "your license file is invalid" is displayed and a new license file is activated, the dialog opens behind the current window [Ticket: 1526]
- Bugfix: Timestamp edit: The input focus is now not longer moved when a time is entered where the from time is larger then the till time. [Ticket: 1468]
Version [21.02.2013]
- Extension: New project: Warning of a duplicate project number does not appear [Ticket: 1477]
- Extension: In column "Time consumption %" only the times of projects that have a estimate are included
- Bugfix: The total amount in tab-free evaluation period during the year is calculated incorrectly. [Ticket: 1469]
Version [17.10.2012]
- Bugfix: New button - check for irregularities in database and resolve
- Bugfix: Search fields allow characters for SQLInjection
Version [16.08.2012]
- Info:Bundles all previous bugfixes and feature changes since the first release of version 3
This version is identical to version and its purpose is only to reach users that do not have set the automatic update check to "Bugfixes and feature changes"
Version [14.08.2012]
Project manager
- Bugfix: Shortkey Ctrl+Enter does not start the selected project [Ticket: 1310]
Version [31.07.2012]
Project manager
- Print project list: Additional option to print only the main projects without the subproject level
Version [23.07.2012]
- DB-Update now also possible from V1.x to V3.x
Version [02.07.2012]
- Bugfix: Several Bugfixes
Version [21.06.2012]
- Bugfix: Automatic Backup: Backup of single-user databases is not performed automatically when you exit
- Bugfix: The automatic e-mail notifications do not work, although the test email is sent correctly. [Ticket: 1191]
- Adding user to project is now possible again with popup menu [Ticket: 1185]
- Show project checkmarks by default again [Ticket: 1195]
- Bugfix: You accidentally created a task for an employee who is not assigned to the project then a query is user associate Yes / No" If "No" is clicked, the task is no longer visible. [Ticket: 1194]
Version [07.06.2012] [New DB-Patchlevel 83]

First release of V3.0
Activity report
- You can now enter a location for your activity report
- New option in the configuration and in the drop down menu of the start button in the project manager: Project to start retroactively with Ctrl + project selection in case you forgot to switch the project.
- New option in the configuration: Automatically hide the timeline after x seconds
- New option in the configuration: Avoid overlapping timestamps
- New option in the configuration: Optional warning option, if the project estimate was exceeded
- SQLite is now supported
- New feature: Starting a project once with the option to enter a comment, rather than editing this setting in the project properties
- Quick Start Projects: By pressing the quickstart button, Xpert-Timer will create a new project and start it immediately. On stop you can decide what to do with the recorded time and the project
- Fast entry projects: Direct input of the project name in the project manager for adding new projects easily
- By right clicking on a column entry in the Project Manager you get the option to change this entry
- Saveable views of the project list, task list, time stamp list
- Sort project list by columns
- Multiple selection of projects to assign status, progress etc. easily
- Direct input of text using F2 in the project manager
- Grouping, filtering and prioritizing of projects is now possible in the project manager
- Intelligent Fast Entry (smart entry function) for tasks, projects and time stamp. e.g. Timestamp fast entry: 0800-1000 Phone conversations
- New hierarchy level: Create timestamps on tasks
- You can now entere an estimated time for tasks
- Calculate the total project estimation based on the single estimates of the tasks by right-clicking on the total sum of the main project in the project manager.
- Task packages can now be created and assigned to projects (used as a template). Assign the tasks to the package by draging and dropping it into the task template dialog
- You can now enter en estimate for every task once you hit "Start" on the task. (Setting in configuration)
- Running time stamp of the task is displayed on the timebar
- You can now enter a comment to every task status, for example the reason of rejection
- The subject of the task can automatically be written into the comment field of the timestamp
- Run reports on your completet task timestamps
- In order to manually enter long timestamps. For example for a whole week, those 40 hours are now automatically distributed to timestamps on several days
- Grouping option of the timestamps by comment
- Fast Entry timestamp: Easier way to add manual timestamps. Just enter for example: 1000-1100 Testing -> Creates a timestamp vom 10 til 11 with the comment "Testing"
- Each timestamp can now also be assigned a location.
- New structure of access right groups
- New structure of workgroups