Work groups
Use departments in the project time recording
Your company consists of several departments that work independently and where there is a department manager or project manager in each department? When entering times in Xpert-Timer, you want to separate the departments. One department should not see the recorded projects, times and activities of the other department. In addition, do you want your project managers to be able to evaluate all recorded times for their projects within the work group? No problem! You can map this in Xpert-Timer by setting up workgroups.
Each employee is assigned to one (in strict separation) or more work groups in the project time recording. In addition, this must also assign a workgroup to each project. Each workgroup has a responsible person, or department head, who should be given elevated rights in Xpert-Timer to view all projects and recorded times of his workgroup, or department.
Example of the use of working groups
- Controlling can view all projects of the company.
- Department managers only see the projects of their own workgroup.
- Project managers only see the projects of their project team within the workgroup.
- Employees see only their assigned projects.

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Further information
More information and instructions on how to set up workgroups can be found in the manual at: