Can several break times be entered (morning, noon)

In the project time recording, you can only store one break time for each time stamp. These are not breaks in the sense of labor law, but should rather be seen as interruptions in project work. You can couple the project time recording with the working time recording. If you set up a break project in the project time recording, which always starts when you press the pause button in a project, then you can transfer your project times to the working time recording at the end of the month.

If you don't use the time tracking module, you can create a separate "lunch break" project in the project time tracking with the billing mode "non-billable". This means that the hours are recorded, but not added to the total of the employees' working hours. In this way, you can at least record the legally required break times for your employees. Projects that cannot be billed appear in gray font color in the Xpert-Timer.

Last update on 2023-08-07 by Daniela.

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