FAQ - Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about the project time tracking software "Xpert-Timer".
Using Xpert-Timer:
- Why should we use a project time recording like Xpert-Timer in the company?
- Can several break times be entered (morning, noon)
- Various columns can be displayed in the project overview. Is it possible to display the remaining hours not only as a percentage, but also as a decimal number?
- Projects can be imported, but how can possible sub-projects and their timestamps be imported?
- Are the time stamps unchangeable after the project is completed?
- If the entry "Write e-mail" is selected via the context menu, Windows Mail is automatically forwarded. Can this be switched to Outlook?
- How can absences (e.g. vacation) be booked
- A diagram is always automatically displayed during the evaluation. Can this chart be permanently disabled?
- Stored documents are only found if the correct filter is set. Is it possible that the documents, which e.g. b. stored in archived projects can be found without selecting the "archived" status?
- When inserting documents, the "Search terms" line is also available. Where do you search for terms entered in this field?
- How to uninstall Xpert-Timer?
- Project planning option: Is it possible to display the ACTUAL and TARGET time against each other?
- How are vacation/sickness periods dealt with?
- Is it also possible to book only the duration of the project, i.e. effort per day, but without the time (from/to)?
- Can different working time models/weekly working times be stored (4-day week, 5-day week)?
- What is the smallest unit that can be booked? (To the minute, 15-min etc.?)
- Can the organizational structure be mapped? (e.g. roles..)
- Can hourly rates be stored? Are changes in the hourly rates taken into account on a timely basis (the "old" hourly rate should continue to apply before the point in time)?
- What search functions are there (e.g. free text search, search for a specific entry)?
- Can you define shortcuts (keyboard shortcuts) yourself for searching/booking on entries?
- What is your authorization model? E.g. who is allowed to book, who is allowed to evaluate, who is allowed to create structures/users -> because of personal data?
- Can the time be tracked on any activity level (e.g. can times be posted to the top/second/... project level even if there are sub-projects below)?
- Can it be defined who can book for which activities?
- Can a partial structure, including existing structures, be copied from a template into an existing project?
- Can entries from days (hierarchy level and times) be copied (e.g. if someone books the same thing every day over a longer period of time?