Download Xpert-Timer

Xpert-Timer Pro

Version: [PL93/29.11.2024]

Multi user &
Single user

Full version
30-day test version

Release Notes

Xpert-Timer Basic

Version: [PL93/29.11.2024]

Single User

Full Version
30-day trial version
without additional modules

Release Notes

Xpert-Timer Web

Version: [PL93/29.11.2024]

On-Premises Cloud

for use
in the browser

Release Notes

Xpert-Timer SyncServer

Version: [PL93/26.04.2024]

Interface for connecting
Android devices
in combination with
Xpert-Timer Pro

Xpert-Timer Mobile

You can use Xpert-Timer Mobil as a standalone app on your Android device, or you can use the Android app in combination with Xpert-Timer Pro and exchange the data via the interface XTSyncServer off.
Xpert-Timer Mobil is in Google Play Store available.

Database drivers for Microsoft Access

On some systems we have found that database drivers are missing to correctly install the Microsoft Access database. If you have problems installing the software, please contact us or download the following drivers:

Access Driver Check (Checks the drivers on your PC):

Outlook Check (Checks the installed version on your PC): XTOutlookCheck. zip

Download the Access Database Engine: AccessDatabaseEngine.exe

OLEDB Driver for MS Access: msoledbsql_18. 1.0.0_x84.msi

Current Beta version

Please note that the BETA version of the project time tracking is not a stable "release version". There could be errors in the program. Please create a data backup of your currently running version before use. If you encounter any bugs in the beta version, we would be very happy to receive a brief notification.


Version: [PL93/25.02.2025] [BETA]

To the release notes.

Database drivers MS-SQL Server

MS-SQL 2012 x86:    sqlncli.msi

MS-SQL 2012 x64:    sqlncli.msi

MS-SQL 2005/2008 x86:    sqlncli.msi

MS-SQL 2005/2008 x64:    sqlncli.msi

Older versions of Xpert-Timer / SyncServer / CloudServer